Online violin lessons one on one

Online Violin lessons one on one

I’m a violin teacher located in BC where I teach one on one online violin lessons.

My experience with violin ranges from twenty years back and I have extensive teaching experience and performance experience as well having played at many weddings and private functions in the past.

Having recently relocated to BC, I am setting up online violin lessons for private students. The way this works is that you pay me a monthly fee and I in turn provide you with lesson content which you then need to practice and upload via video for me to see. I comment on your work, make you redo what needs to be redone and give you new work to complete. It’s just like a violin lesson except that you can do it at a time that is convenient for you and that you can do it from home. That’s the beauty of online violin lessons.

My lessons include:

  • Basics of the violin
  • How to play
  • Theory and how to read music
  • Technique

Should you wish to enroll for private online violin lessons via email and video exchange in the BC area, please contact me by filling in my contact page. You can find it by clicking here.

If you are looking for online violin lessons or courses that do not involve feedback from me for beginners or other, please click here