Violin Fingering Tape

Violin Fingering Tape

Violin fingering tape is something that beginner violinists use to get to learn the different finger positions and help train their musical ear. It is important to get some assistance with finger placement with the use of violin fingering tape as new violinists don’t know where to put their fingers and don’t yet have a trained ear when it comes to playing the violin.

A trained ear is knowing and hearing when you are playing something wrong. Over time, you develop this sense of knowing where to place your finger and what it will sound like. But beginner violinists usually don’t get this right at the start and need some sort of aid such as violin fingering tape to help them get started.

Violin fingering tape is used to place markings on the finger board of the violin so that the beginner violinist knows exactly where to place their fingers. Standard notes are marked so that there is a base from which to start working. Exact positions are marked out to place the fingering tape at so that the violin finger board is marked correctly.

To find out more about the measurements and where to place the violin fingering tape, please click on this link: Violin Finger Positions It will take you to my article on violin finger positions etc.

An alternative to violin fingering tape is to purchase a fretboard sticker for your violin. This is a sticker that you place on the fingerboard, marked clearly with the different positions for the fingers. It helps if you are a beginner and you do not know what you are doing, to have a sticker to mark out the positions for yourself. At the bottom of this article are links to the violin fretboard stickers on Amazon.

To find out how to place violin fingering tape, check out my article on “how to place violin fingering tape”

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