Easy violin lessons?

Is there such a thing as easy violin lessons? This will be explored in this post. Do we get such a thing considering violin is one of the top ten most difficult instruments in the world to play. Easy? Really?

Many people think that having a couple of violin lessons is easy. It may be easy in the beginning, but the more advanced you become, and the more you learn, the more difficult it becomes. Yes, while easy violin lessons are out there, it usually is not what you think. Violin is not an easy instrument to learn.

Much technique goes into the violin. A lot of your lesson time will be dedicated to learning all about technique and practicing the technique. Another part of your lesson time will be dedicated to theory. And while it’s easy to take in information, it’s not so easy to apply the information into what we do ourselves.

Mastering the technique of the violin depends on the dedication and effort you put into the violin. But also in how well you listen when you do start out learning how to play the violin. This is not easy and does not happen fast.

Easy violin lessons is not something that really exists. But if you put enough time and effort into it, you may actually find that you are learning it relatively easily. For the beginner stages anyway. When you get to positions and more complicated pieces, easy goes out the window and that’s when hours and hours of practice starts to happen. No longer is it easy, now it’s downright hard and frustrating at times.

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