Violin Finger Positions

Violin Finger Positions and how to do it

One of the complicated things about the violin is to get your head around the violin finger positions. It can be confusing, especially in the beginning, especially when you don’t have a musical background and this is the first instrument that you are attempting.

Violin finger positions on the strings need to be in the exact place so that your note pitch is not off. The slightest incorrect spacing and your notes will sound false. So before you attempt to put your fingers on the positions, you need to put some sort of a marker on your violin fingerboard. Click here to go to the violin finger positions and see how to mark your violin properly.

When you have done the marking of the finger positions, you need to remember your violin fingering. Your pointing finger is your first finger, middle finger is your second finger, ring finger is your third finger and pinky is your forth finger.

The basic violin fingering works with the scale of D Major. D Major has two sharps, F, C sharps. Therefore, your notes that fall on these will be sharps. Below is an image of how the violin notes work.

So in other words, for the G string positioning, first gfinger will fall on A, second finger on B, third finger on C#.

For D string, first finger will fall on E, second on F#, third on G and so on.

For A string, first ginger will fall on B, second on C#, third on D

E string: first ginger on F#, second on G and third on A

Below is an image of how to position the fingers on the violin fingerboard. The tips of your fingers need to be pushing down on the strings, your fingers need to be curled and your pulse need to be out.

For more on violin finger positions, please read my article on the placements or watch my YouTube video on the finger positions for the violin.

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